

Read the following information.

Free OET Writing Sample Test with Answer Subtest Optometry #8

Notes: Today's date is 22 May 2029. You are an optometrist at Vision Excellence Clinic. A patient, Mrs. Sandra Reynolds, has presented with concerning eye symptoms that require the expertise of an ophthalmologist.


  • NAME: Mrs. Sandra Reynolds

  • DOB: 15 October 1960 (68 y.o.)

  • Social background: Married, two adult children

  • Occupation: Retired

  • General health: History of type 2 diabetes (controlled with medication)

Family history:

  • Mother had glaucoma

Patient history:

  • 2015 – Diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy

  • 2013 – Cataract surgery in the right eye

  • 2010 – Type 2 diabetes diagnosis

  • 2005 – Hypertension diagnosis, on medication

  • 1998 – Allergic conjunctivitis

22 May 2029 Presenting problem: Mrs. Reynolds reports sudden onset of visual disturbances in the right eye over the past three days.

Right eye:

  • Blurred vision (decreasing visual acuity)

  • No floaters, flashes of light, or pain

  • Previous history of cataract surgery

  • No recent trauma or surgery

Visual acuity (VA):

  • Left eye 6/6

  • Right eye 6/18

Colour vision (D-15): Normal

External examination:

  • No apparent abnormalities

Eye Movements:

  • Normal

Slit-lamp Examination:

  • Right eye – clear cornea, no apparent abnormalities

Intraocular Pressure (IOP) (Non-contact tonometry):

  • Left eye 16mmHg

  • Right eye 15mmHg


  • Right eye – no evidence of diabetic retinopathy or other retinal abnormalities

Diagnosis: Sudden-onset decreased visual acuity in the right eye, requiring further evaluation

Initial treatment: None administered; referred to ophthalmologist for further assessment and management

Writing Task:

Using the information provided in the case notes, write a letter of referral to the Ophthalmologist on duty at Parkview Eye and Ear Hospital, requesting further assessment and management for Mrs. Sandra Reynolds. Address the letter to the Ophthalmologist on duty, Parkview Eye and Ear Hospital, 242 Main Street, Mountain View. In your response:

  • Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences.

  • Do not use note form.

  • Use letter format.

  • The body of the letter should be approximately 180–200 words.

Ophthalmologist on duty

Parkview Eye and Ear Hospital

242 Main Street

Mountain View


22 May 2029


Dear Ophthalmologist,


Re: Mrs. Sandra Reynolds DOB: 15 October 1960


I am writing to request further assessment and management for Mrs. Sandra Reynolds, a 68-year-old patient who presented at Vision Excellence Clinic with a sudden onset of visual disturbances in her right eye over the past three days, necessitating the expertise of an ophthalmologist.

Mrs. Reynolds, who is married with two adult children and retired, reported experiencing blurred vision and decreasing visual acuity in her right eye. Notably, she has a history of cataract surgery in the right eye in 2013. She has not experienced floaters, flashes of light, or pain in the affected eye. Furthermore, there has been no recent trauma or surgical intervention.

During the examination, her visual acuity was found to be 6/18 in the right eye and 6/6 in the left eye. Colour vision assessment yielded normal results. External examination revealed no apparent abnormalities, and slit-lamp examination indicated a clear cornea with no apparent abnormalities. Intraocular pressure measurements were within normal limits for both eyes. Fundoscopy of the right eye revealed no evidence of diabetic retinopathy or other retinal abnormalities.

Given the sudden decrease in visual acuity and the history of cataract surgery, I have refrained from administering initial treatment and have referred Mrs. Reynolds to your esteemed care at Parkview Eye and Ear Hospital for further evaluation and any necessary management.

I kindly request your prompt attention to this case and would appreciate any feedback or coordination regarding this referral. Please do not hesitate to contact our clinic if you require additional information or assistance.


Yours faithfully,


TIP : Incorporate real-life medical scenarios into your preparation to simulate the challenges presented in the OET test.