Read the following information.
Free OET Writing Sample Test with Answer Subtest Speech Pathology #2
The date is June 3, 2028. You are a speech pathologist at PerfectSpeak Clinic. A new patient, Ms. Emma Davis, has been referred to your clinic due to concerns about her child's speech development.
Patient Details:
Name: Ms. Emma Davis
Child's Name: Lily Davis
Child's Age: 3 years
Social Background: Married, works as an accountant
General Health: Good overall health, no significant medical conditions
Referral Reason: Lily Davis has shown delayed speech development, with limited vocabulary for her age.
Writing Task:
Write a welcome letter to Ms. Emma Davis, introducing yourself and your clinic, and provide details about the initial assessment process for her child, Lily. In your answer:
? Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences
? Do not use note form
? Use letter format
The body of the letter should be approximately 180–200 words.